Hairstyles That Work Well With Rectangular Glasses

Eyeglasses aren’t just a functional accessory but also a fashion statement, no matter what your age. They have the power to transform your look and enhance your overall appearance. The right hairstyle can greatly complement your eyeglasses, especially rectangular ones, to create a more harmonious and well-balanced appearance. In this guide, we’ll delve into various hairstyles that work well with rectangular glasses, how they can shape one’s face, and which face shapes pair well with rectangular glasses.

Understanding Face Shapes and Rectangular Glasses

Rectangular glasses typically have a straight top, bottom, and sides, with a greater width than height. They add structure and enhance facial features. To further accentuate your facial features, it’s essential to choose a hairstyle that complements your eyeglasses.

Before discussing the perfect hairstyles, let’s briefly touch upon face shapes that pair well with rectangular glasses. The most suitable face shapes for rectangular glasses are oval, round, and heart.

Popular Hairstyles for Different Hair Lengths

To help you find the right styles, here’s a look at some popular options that complement rectangular frames.

Short Haircuts

  • Pixie Cut: A versatile and trendy hairstyle, it works well with rectangular glasses as it sets a balance between the frame and your face, accentuating your cheekbones.
  • Messy Waves: For a more casual and textured look, messy waves with short hair add softness around the face, complementing the angular shape of rectangular glasses.

Medium Haircuts

  • Layered Bob: A layered bob with side or curtain bangs complements rectangular glasses by contrasting the structured frames and the softer hairstyle.
  • Lob with Waves: A lob (long bob) with loose waves adds femininity and balance to the structured appearance of rectangular glasses, making it perfect for casual and professional settings.

Long Haircuts

  • Long Face-Framing Layers: Soft, face-framing layers give a glamorous touch that pairs well with rectangular glasses, drawing attention to the eyes.
  • Sleek Straight: A sleek, straight hairstyle creates a clean and modern look that pairs well with rectangular glasses for a professional and elegant appearance.

Professional Hairstyles

  • Low Chignon: A low chignon with loose strands around the face softens the look and works well with rectangular glasses in a formal setting.
  • Sleek Ponytail: An elegant and high ponytail provides a powerful and chic appearance that perfectly complements rectangular glasses for a professional look.

Tips for Finding the Right Salon and Styling Your Hair

When it comes to finding the right salon and styling your hair, research is key. Look into local salons and read reviews for a quality haircut. Communicate your preferences to your hairstylist, invest in quality hair products for maintenance, and experiment with styling tools like curling irons or flat irons for versatile looks.

Choosing the right hairstyle to complement your rectangular glasses can enhance your overall appearance and confidence. Experiment with different hairstyles, considering the length and formality you prefer, to create a harmonious balance between your face shape, glasses, and style to find your perfect hair.