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Trim Women Short Hairstyles

Trim Women Short Hairstyles – Most women find cutting their hair short liberating. Indeed, wearing a short hair takes less time to wash, dry and style. However, depending on how fast the hair grows, cutting it can be just a matter of 4 to 6 weeks. Learn more by visiting our main page for Boys and Girls Hairstyles.

Having shorter hair means less heat styling and of course, less hair damage. A chic styled short haircut gives a super beach summer statement with a completely different look and feel.

Short hair is more attention grabbing than longer hair. If you want to make an impression, then this is the perfect short haircut for you.

I can see that Radona’s short hairstyle can be perfect for wash and wear. Besides short haircuts dry quickly, which saves time when styling! Realize that going short can mean a big change to your hair routine.

Radona’s short hairstyle does not need to be styled every day to look reasonable. Her short haircut saves time styling and is perfect for the warm summer months. Definitely no touch ups during the day!

Trim Women Short Hairstyles -Trimming back

Simple short hairstyles are best especially if you are just trimming it and you do not have to worry too much about altering your hair’s natural structure. Wet the hair first before starting to cut.

Cutting a wet hair is easier than cutting a dry hair, but make sure you find the perfect short hair trim length that is still comfortable to wear when dry because the hair naturally shrinks a little once it dries up.

The hairstylist makes sure Radona’s hair is wet as she cuts. Using a pair of scissors, she starts cutting at the edge of the back first and just follow the natural pattern of the hair. After the back portion, she cuts the edge of the sides.

The technique in trimming Radona’s hair is to trim the underlying hair first. This means cutting the edge of the hair that is closest to the neck first. She trims the length of the hair’s perimeter about a quarter of an inch.

Next is trimming the back of the hair. This means trimming the middle section of the back of the head before she moves to the sides of the hair.

The back part of the hair is quite heavy and falls. If you didn’t know yet, a heavy hair has no bounce. Having a thick short hair can be a mess but it can be fixed with a simple texture cut.

Point cutting

Cutting the hair section by section allows the hairdresser to pay particular attention to a specific section of the hair. This makes the difference between a humdrum cut and a precise one. Point cutting is used to remove the bulk, which is good.

The texturizing shears makes a very good tool for thinning the hair while giving it just enough volume. The hair won’t look good if it is too thick. Point cutting guides the hair into the right shape and style. Of course, the end result was subtle and dramatic.

Professional cutting or texturizing shears can be used for point cutting. For the shears, long blades give a better effect. The hairstylist seems to be patient and very skillful in creating the desired effect on Radona’s hair.

It is very tempting to angle the scissors and remove more hair, but she goes through it slowly by pulling it straight before cutting, which results in a hair that lays better.

How To Trim Women Short Hairstyles

Thinning the back of the hair

Because Radona’s hair is a bit thick, the hairstylist uses the texturizing shears to make it look thinner. The thinning shears creates the illusion of not so thick hair that lays better plus the volume that is just enough to give movement to the hair.

No application of mousse or oil

Radona’s well cared hair get along and moves perfectly to where it should be. The hair does not need any hair product for extra body, definition and texture. There is no need to offer hair volume because her hair already has the volume.

I love her hair. It looks and maybe feels lighter with a more defined texture even without the mousse or oil or spray!

Sectioning short haircut technique

You may be wondering about the importance of sectioning and not cutting it right away. The hairstylist takes a section of the hair and pull straight up to trim the top of the hair. She pulls the back at a 450 angle towards the center so it does not come out super short or super long.

The hairstylist makes little sections to cut it in a controlled manner. When creating the shorter layers, I realized that sectioning the short hair is of utmost importance. I see that she is making thin sections, which makes the overall effect better.

The thinning shears is use to cut a few spots at the end of the short hairstyling session.


Layering is an effortless way to shape and give volume to the back of the head. It gives shape and adds fullness to the back of the hair. Radona’s bulk of hair at the ends won’t look good if not layered.

The layers are flattering. Indeed, Radona looks younger with its longer front pixie style and softly layered back. The long bangs add dimension and is perfect for the shape of her face.

The language of layers is chic! Subtle layers for a short hair take the weight out of each spot. The layering technique actually depends on the thickness of the hair.

This short haircut and trim really work for Radona’s hair type. It is most flattering at the back and front. This is a low maintenance hair trim that work with the hair’s natural texture and maybe still looks good in a matter of 3 to 4 months. There is no need to hit the salon every 5 weeks.

Trim Women Short Hairstyles – Balance length

I agree when she pulls the hair of the sides and see if they have the same length. Of course, no one would want a hair that is not balance in length for both sides of the head.

After you master the basic techniques, it is unlikely that you will be using just one technique to create the desired effect. As I have observed in Radona’s video, she uses at least 5 to 6 hair cutting techniques. The hairstylist even texturized the internal layers to remove the bulk, add texture and create movement!

Thank you for coming to Boys and Girls Hairstyles.  Here we provide hair tutorials for girl and boys hairstyles and cuts.  Currently, our presence on YouTube is over 170 thousand subscribers and followers.  We feature RaDona as our main instructor. 

Our main clientele are women over 50 who desire to have a hair transformation or to have a change come into their lives.  Her gentle and fun personality have women coming from all over the USA to receive special treatment.

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